World of Watercolour | Episode 2

Chris shows us a quick exercise that you may have already practiced! A simple brain teaser that gets you out of your comfort zone and create small-scale watercolour paintings.
Chris shows us a quick exercise that you may have already practiced! A simple brain teaser that gets you out of your comfort zone and create small-scale watercolour paintings.
Welcome to Chris Martin's World of Watercolour.
Episode 1 | Classic flowers in a vase
Exploring the materials and techniques that Chris uses to create quick and easy detailed watercolour paintings for beginners. When completed, you will be left with a piece of art that is ready to be framed and hung up on the wall.
Robert Frost coined the phrase 'The road less travelled' - taken from his poem, The Road Not Taken.
Throughout our life we do come face to face with a choice of what path to take and often we are afraid to take the one less travelled - sometimes for good reasons. Personally, when walking through the many pathways around where I live I often contemplate how I got to where I am today, then think of what path I should take now. So, even at the age of 71 I look for new challenges and places to go and see - and so should you.
3 birdies, watercolour on watercolour paper.
I recently donated this painting for an auction to raise money for The Malaghan Institute. The auction was part of a golf day held at the Wairakai Intrenational golf course - the painting sold for $2,200. The golf course is also a bird santury - hence the title '3 Birdies'.
The world at times seems to lurch from crisis to crisis - Covid being the one that has touched us all. Tranquillity, can be hard to find, but it is there - if only for a moment.
We are fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the world, with the opportunity to escape the sometimes oppressive news that social media and media in general feed us day after day.
Within minutes of here you can walk, or ride into some of the most peaceful locations on earth - I’ve tried to capture this with this series of paintings.
Don’t look at them as pretty pictures, try to look at them as a beacon of hope - something that you can feel and breathe in, no matter what turmoil the world conjures up next.